MBS convention
Chandelier light is losing it’s sparkle as the cove lighting and the white ceiling is giving more attention.(LPA記)
恵比寿ガーデン2 広場 1
あかりカンパニー 採光ブラインド アカリナ ヨコ型 2
製品名:採光ブラインド アカリナ ヨコ型 (閉めても明るい。ブラインドの概念が変わります)株式会社あかりカンパニースラット…
あかりカンパニー 採光ブラインド アカリナ ヨコ型 1
製品名:採光ブラインド アカリナ ヨコ型 (閉めても明るい。ブラインドの概念が変わります)株式会社あかりカンパニースラット…
MBS retail atrium
Great balance of shopfront lighting/ interior light gives and the downlight for corridor gives luxury shopping experi…
MBS retail corridor night
Great balance of shopfront lighting/ interior light gives and the downlight for corridor gives luxury shopping experi…
MBS retail corridor day
Great balance of shopfront lighting/ interior light gives and the downlight for corridor gives luxury shopping experi…
日本橋コレド B1
MBS Retail
Great balance of shopfront lighting/ interior light gives and the downlight for corridor gives luxury shopping experi…
Media display art gives crisp and new impression of luxury brand. Luminous art wall and mirror ceiling gives exciting…
二子玉川 ライズガレリア
日本橋コレド 4F
横浜 赤レンガ倉庫
横浜 象の鼻パーク
GBMS bridge
Linear light on the side of the bridge is safe enough to walk across and enhance the excitement moment before reachin…
日本橋コレド 3F
GBMS Supertrees 3
Light for the Supertrees are bounced on the floor and giving sufficient light for the visitor without pole lighting.(…
GBMS Supertrees 2
Lighting for the staircase is kept low for not disturbing the grand view of the Supertrees.(LPA記)
GBMS Supertrees 1
Light for the Supertrees are bounced on the floor and giving sufficient light for the visitor without pole lighting.(…
日本橋コレド 2F