東京ガーデンテラス紀尾井町 芽生えの庭
Lighting Planners Associates (LPA)
東京ガーデンテラス紀尾井町 花の広場
Lighting Planners Associates (LPA)
東京ガーデンテラス紀尾井町 水の広場
Lighting Planners Associates (LPA)
東京ガーデンテラス紀尾井町 空の広場
Lighting Planners Associates (LPA)
Lighting Planners Associates (LPA)
Lighting Planners Associates (LPA)
恵比寿ガーデン2 広場 3
恵比寿ガーデン2 広場 2
恵比寿ガーデン2 広場 1
二子玉川 ライズガレリア
横浜 赤レンガ倉庫
横浜 象の鼻パーク
GBMS bridge
Linear light on the side of the bridge is safe enough to walk across and enhance the excitement moment before reachin…
GBMS Supertrees 3
Light for the Supertrees are bounced on the floor and giving sufficient light for the visitor without pole lighting.(…
GBMS Supertrees 2
Lighting for the staircase is kept low for not disturbing the grand view of the Supertrees.(LPA記)
GBMS Supertrees 1
Light for the Supertrees are bounced on the floor and giving sufficient light for the visitor without pole lighting.(…
Chijmes Boundary Wall
Continuous cove light concealed along the roof eve is purposely design to identify the property as a demarcation and …
Chijmes Event Lawn
Lawn is lit with low lighting level, no direct light but only indirect light from tree canopy uplight, RGB light to t…
Chijmes Chapel
The stained glass is illuminated as the main feature to be well visible, the other façade lighting is provided with g…
Chijmes Plaza
High lighting level provided onto the vertical element of the historical building – Chijmes is illuminated as a façad…